Power Electronics Power Semiconductors, Converters, and Applications Third Edition

Power Electronics Power Semiconductors, Converters, and Applications Third Edition provides a complete coverage of power electronics converters and introduces students to the field of energy conversion technologies, analysis and design using PSIM simulation software approach. Chapters are designed to prepare the students with a necessary background material in the topics of power semiconductor devices and switching, gate control technique, types of converter and conversion methods. The book includes with an examples and exercise to assists and enforce the content in each chapter with a related circuit and waveforms. This book is designed for undergraduate electrical engineering underpinning course to provides the students with the ability to analyse and design power electronic circuits used in modern technology applications.
Instructor Biography
Mohd Najib Bin Mohd Hussain is a senior lecturer in Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). He completed his doctoral study (PhD) in 2016 from UiTM and Master in Engineering of electrical energy and power system in 2006 from Universiti Malaya. His current research interests include power electronics converter, renewable energy applications and power quality. He is a member of Board of Engineers Malaysia, Institution of Engineers Malaysia and Malaysia Board of Technologist.
Noor Azila Binti Ismail she received her B.Eng. (Hons). in electrical engineering and her M.Eng. electrical energy and power system in electrical engineering from the Universiti Malaya in 2000 and 2006 respectively. In 2005, she joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA. as a lecturer. Her current research interests include power electronics and drives, microwave, and communication. Noor Azila Ismail is a member of Board of Engineers Malaysia and Malaysia Board of Technologist.
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