Road Infrastructure Design Made Simple

Road Infrastructure Design Made Simple is a unique textbook that presents geometric design of roads and highways and intersection design and control systems from the perspective of Malaysian settings. Readers should be able to acquire basic knowledge and understanding of the common type of traffic conflicts, the intersection and interchange design, basic components of the traffic engineering control systems and roundabout design. It includes an introduction to road design and location, the road classification system applied in Malaysia, and the fundamental elements of sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignments. At the completion of these chapters, readers should also be able to define each of the cross sectional elements of roads and their impact on the road design. It provides many useful and interesting coloured photographs to help readers learn more about geometry of roads and highways and intersection design and control systems. It is specially intended for Diploma students in civil engineering, specializing in highway and transportation engineering area, as well as for the general public. It will be equally useful as a reference source for lecturers and young and practising engineers. It is the essential guide for beginners in highway and traffic engineering!
Instructor Biography
Ir. Ts. Dr. Hjh. Siti Nurbaya HJ. Ab. Karim is a lecturer in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Shah Alam, Malaysia. She has taught Highway and Traffic Engineering since 2001. Her research interest and projects are Highway and Pavement (Waste) Materials (Pavement Recycling), Public Transport System and Rall Travel Behaviour.
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